A successful landing page is already 90% of business success. In the digital age, a well-made landing page consisting of one page can provide many customers, while large sites with dozens of pages can stand without orders. What is the secret of landing page success? In this article we will try to figure it out.
What is a landing page?
A landing page is a website page that must motivate a visitor to buy a product or service.
Technically, it's just a website consisting of one page with the necessary minimum of information. The task of the landing page is to quickly entice and convince, persuade the person who came to the page to buy or order services.
How do people get to landing pages?
Usually from another site – from a search engine, some partner site or another site with advertising. An advertising banner or a link from a social network (Twitter, Instagram etc.) can lead to the landing page.
Ideally, a landing page is not designed for a wide range – it has been proven that the wider the choice, the more difficult it is for a person to make a decision, therefore, a couple of possible variations (or even one option at all) are usually presented on the landing page.
Landing is a collection of all the information necessary for selling, its concentration, and at the same time landing is a bright wrapper in which you need to wrap your product so that it becomes attractive to the end user.
So, in order for the landing page to be successful, you need to pay attention to the following points.
- Call to Action
The visitor's goal is to perform an action. For example, to make a purchase, order a service or subscribe to a newsletter. In order for your call to action to work, you need:
- make it clear what the ultimate goal of your landing page is; what the visitor should do. Therefore, write clearly and direct the visitor;
- use one call to action – no need to place a lot of buttons, links or various forms, make one noticeable call on which the user can concentrate;
- make a button. The button attracts much more attention than just an inscription. Therefore, a call to action in the form of a button will be more noticeable and effective;
- add a reason to do an action right now. For example, if a user registers now, he will receive delivery for free (or a 10% discount, or something else). The offer should be placed next to the call to action so that it can influence the buyer's decision-making.
- Effective heading
A good headline is an important component of the success of your landing page. Here it is important to keep in mind two points: the user must understand where he got (and whether he got it right), as well as what this page can offer him.
The title should interest and make the user spend as much time on the page as possible (and perform the target action).
The key point is whether the title is interesting enough to continue browsing the page? If the answer is "yes", then the title is well thought up; if "no", then it makes sense to change it.
A few effective header rules:
- brevity and simplicity: the simpler and shorter the title, the faster the user will be able to grasp and be interested in what the landing page offers him;
- the title should be located at the top of the page and have an attractive design;
- the title is better optimized for SEO if you want visitors to come to you, including from search engines.
- Simple structure
Since landing is in the general sense not even a website, but just one page, it is better to make it as simple and understandable as possible. If you overload the landing page, the user may get confused and not perform the desired action. When creating a landing page, focus on a wide audience – your page should be understandable to everyone, so it would be better if you place only the necessary, necessary elements.
To create an effective structure, be based on the following principles:
- a landing page should motivate the visitor to perform a targeted action. Anything that does not contribute to this should be removed;
- a landing page should allow the user to perform one main action. If there are several actions, it may confuse the visitor and he will leave the site;
- a landing page must have free space. Do not be small and do not try to contain too much information, buttons, pictures;
- visual information is read faster than alphabetic: use illustrations and infographics, it will also have a positive effect on the design.
- View control
Follow the visitor's gaze. Figure out how the visitor will be on your page, where he will look and what he will want to do. The main question at this stage is: does everything lead to the fulfillment of the target action?
The trajectory of the incoming user's gaze should lead him to perform the target action. If you correctly and logically arrange all the elements of the page, then this can guarantee the success of your landing page.
What can be used?
Graphic elements: arrows, icons, contrasting shades, emoji. Anything that can switch the user's view from one element to another.
A sequence of elements. Not only visual, but also logical: imagine that you are telling a story – are the blocks going logically, is the information being disclosed correctly?
If you doubt your objectivity, involve friends and acquaintances in the study. Let them tell you about all their feelings: what they see first, what they see later, what they pay the most attention to, what confused them, what they liked, and what upset them. Even such a simple test with several people can help you significantly improve your landing page.
- Compliance with advertising
If there is an advertisement on the landing page, then its content should completely coincide with what you offer in the end: cost, discount, type of product, etc. If something does not match, it will lead to a deception of expectations and a negative reaction in general.
Do not forget that you can, firstly, create a separate landing page for each advertising campaign, and secondly, the page itself may change depending on the traffic source.
- Trust
Whether a visitor performs a targeted action or not may also depend on the trust that the landing page will arouse in him. Think about what questions would be spinning in your head if you were on such a site. What doubts can the material cause, and how can these doubts be dispelled.
Usually it can be such ways:
- product warranty;
- test period (if we are talking about a service);
- reviews (preferably from social media accounts);
- certificates;
in general, a detailed story about how the purchase takes place in your store, what the user will receive after the target action.
- Statement of limited time
Product discounts
If the visitor feels that the discount on the product, free shipping or the product itself will end soon, this may force him to make his choice faster (and perform the target action).
The following techniques are most often used:
- timer with countdown to the end of the promotion;
- the specific dates of the end of the promotion are indicated;
- catchphrases "Only today!", "There are 3 pieces left in stock", etc.
A successful landing page is the result of painstaking (but not necessarily long) work. If you follow all or at least most of the tips above, your landing page will surely be successful and you will have a good conversion.